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Extended Care visits their “Little Buddies”

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It is so cool to see our older kids connecting with our younger kids. Recently, Extended Care kids visited the preschoolers and buddied up with them to do some fun crafts and activities. It was a day our little ones will not soon forget… lots of fun for everyone.

Art with Ray & Janet comes to Kindergarten

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Kindergarten students loved having their very own private art session with Ray (Artist-in-Residence) and his very talented wife, Janet. The kids learned about still art and then put their skills to paper creating flowers in a vase. They used oil pastels to make their art vibrant. Fun day for everyone!

Duckies Learning their ABC’s

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Our little Duckies are busy. Recently, they did some fun activities to learn their ABC’s. These guys are quick learners and always eager to try new games to grow their knowledge.

Westwood Hills Nature Center Field Trip

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The kids always enjoy going to Westwood Hills Nature Center. They laughed at the puppet show, touched different animals, and learned all about the animals that lived in the woods. Great day with our little ones!

Duckies Counting Fun!

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Our little Duckies are having so much fun learning how to count the dots on each bug. They are doing a great job… working hard to learn new things, having fun, and having a great time growing together (we hear a lot of laughter from these little ones).