Enrollment Questions
Our Savior School is open to all those who desire to have a Christian education for their children.
The Early Childhood Center accepts children ages 6 weeks through age five in our morning preschool program and/or the full time child care program. Our Savior also offers young school aged children a Before and After school option. We also provide annual summer camps at our Camp Genesis program.
Our Savior School offers a full day Kindergarten program that is also open to Fall 5’s (children turning 5 on or before November 30th).
Our Savior has tuition assistants available. Please contact the Director and Forms may be requested from the school office. Families must file paperwork and submit necessary financial information. Families will be notified once their application has been approved.
We do not provide Early Childhood Screening services but do require it for all kids entering our Kindergarten program (this is a state-wide requirement). We recommend getting screened through your district as early as possible (children as young as three can be screened) and sending us the completed results so we can provide even more individualized support as needed. Learn more about Early Childhood Screening.
Education Questions
Our Savior is part of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) which operates over 2,000 preschools, elementary schools, and high schools, along with 10 universities and 2 seminaries. LCMS schools are supported and networked by several professional organizations and advisory groups.
Our Savior is accredited by the National Lutheran School Accreditation.
Our Savior teachers and aides meet or exceed the credentials outlined by the MN Department of Human Services and/or the MN Department of Education.
Our Savior’s curriculum is based upon state and national standards, local trends, and the needs of our students. Our district and national officials also advise us through in-service workshops and conferences and the National Lutheran School Accreditation process reviews our curriculum to ensure it is in compliance with accreditation standards. While the Kindergarten curriculum includes a progressive program of learning aligned with state standards, the Preschool curriculum is the One in Christ early childhood curriculum from Concordia Publishing House.
We do not have a foreign language program at this time.
Infants: 4 students to one teacher
Toddlers: 7 students to one teacher
Preschool/Kindergarten: 10 students to one teacher
Extended Care: 15 students to one teacher
Our Savior addresses the discipline of children from a proactive approach by setting clear and enforceable limits, modeling acceptable behavior and recognizing each child’s individual needs.
Procedural Questions
The Early Childhood Center and Extended Care (before and after school care) are currently open from 7:00am to 5:30pm, Monday through Friday. Kindergarten begins every morning at 8:30am and dismisses at 2:45pm. Preschool begins at 8:30am and dismisses at 11:30am.
Our Savior parents must walk their children to their classrooms and sign their children in and out of the school using the Daily Connect communication system.
Our Savior provides nutritious snacks in the AM and PM. Snack menus are posted in each classroom.
Our Savior teachers plan field trips that enhance the learning of young children.
Our Savior teachers will provide a thorough list of items needed for a successful school day.
Our Savior regularly practices emergency exits in case of fire, tornadoes and lock down procedures. A thorough emergency plan is provided to every family upon enrollment.
Children do not need to be potty trained to attend school in our Toddler Room; however they must be potty trained and wearing underwear to attend school in our Lamb and Whale rooms.
Organizational Questions
Our school is administrated by a director. A volunteer team of parents are part of our Education Committee that provides financial, communication, academic, and marketing support for the vision and mission of the school. Our Savior School is a
ministry of Our Savior Lutheran Church.
Our Savior encourages parents to take an active role in their child’s education by participating in a variety of activities and events throughout the school year. Fundraising projects , field trips and other volunteer activities provide ways to be visible and give a precious gift of time.